Reclaiming The Power Of Breath A Virtual Healing Series With Zoƫ Flowers CHARITY: With that, it is my pleasure to present Zoe Flowers with our set of healing sessions. Zoe is an advocate, healer, writer, poet, and filmmaker. Zoe has been providing these sessions for us over the past few months during the public health crisis And most recently with everything that's going on in the world. She has provided these sessions through us alone to over 1500 victim advocates. And we are thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to have her back again for another series. Zoe, I'm going to pass it over to you. ZOE FLOWERS: Thank you, Charity. I'm going to turn this music down. Thank you for engaging with me in the chat. I always love to see where people are checking in from. I didn't see any New York in the house, so if there are any of my New York folk in house-- I did see Boston, so let's close. Some in Connecticut right now. So welcome, welcome. There's New York checking in. Hey. OK, sorry. OK. So I'm so silly. All right, y'all. We are going to go ahead and get started. I am doing another free session on Saturday. I put it in the chat, I will put it in there again, for African-American folks, Black folks, folks who identify on a daily basis as being of African descent. I did put that in the chat. We're doing it 4:11 Eastern Standard Time. We are doing a free healing circle via Zoom. We will be opening it up- - I love Vermont. Hello, Rosalind. We will be opening it up for-- we're going to be doing one for other Black Indigenous people of color as we go on. And I'm sure we will do one for white allies as well. But this one on Saturday is specifically for Black folks. So just please be on the lookout for that. Hey, Portland. Love Portland. So yeah. Let's get into it. Oh, thank you. They're my reading glasses. Thank you. OK. So here we are in the shadow of a solar eclipse, a couple of days away from the summer solstice in the center of so many things. And here we are, going into Cancer season this weekend. So this weekend would be a great weekend to engage in shadow work, things that you want to release, parts of your personality, particular circumstances, anything that you want to let go of, as we start the next half of the year. This weekend will be amazing. Also going into Father's Day weekend as we go into Cancer. So we may be having some heavy emotions around what we call the divine masculine, issues with the father, father figure. This will be an amazing weekend to release issues with the divine masculine as well. So I just want to say that because I just want to set the stage and confirm that if you all have been feeling very emotional this week starting from maybe like last Thursday up to this week, of course, there's a lot of things happening in our world, in our country. But there's also a lot of planetary things that are happening as well that could be adding to your emotions. And so I've already talked to people who have been crying for five days and having more trouble sleeping than usual. So if these things are coming up, just know that these things are coming up and coming out so that you can heal them as we go to this next phase, OK? So I just wanted to raise that issue for you, that this will be an amazing weekend to start again. Again, just a quick recap, summer solstice, solar eclipse on Saturday, new moon, going into Cancer, Father's Day on Sunday. So just a lot. And we still have three planets in retrograde. So if emotions are high, that's pretty much-- that has a lot to do with it, OK? All right. So let's go ahead and let's settle in to our chairs. Maybe you're sitting on the couch. Maybe you're sitting on the floor. Maybe you're at a desk. Wherever you are, just go ahead and let your arms drop. Let your attention, let your gaze turn inward. So we're turning the intention or turning the attention inward, what's happening with us inwardly, doing what I call a body scan. So sensing from the top of the head down over the eyes, the mouth, throat, the heart, the stomach. I'm using my hands. You don't have to. The legs, just doing a scan of what's happening. Where are you? How are you feeling? How is the body feeling? How is the breath? What is the quality of the breath? Is it choppy? Is it smooth? If you haven't closed your eyes yet, now would be a great time to let the top lid fold over the bottom lid. Letting the breath slow down. Letting everything be loose. Today we're actually going to take our palms, we're going to put our poems down either on our thighs or by our hips next to us. But we are going to put our palms down to ground. Taking an intentional breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. On this next inhalation, let your shoulders raise just a bit, not quite touching the ear lobes. But just inhale, shoulders up. Exhale, shoulders drop. Inhale, shoulders up. Exhale, shoulders drop. If your feet are crossed, uncross them. We want to uncross any energy if you're able, to let your feet be firmly planted on the ground. Go ahead and do that. Palms down, feet down, shoulders dropped. Sink further into the seat. It's almost like you're trying to send your tailbone into the chair. And all of these are gentle movements. You're not ramming the tailbone. You're just sending your attention down the spine to the tailbone. And let that tailbone be firm into the chair. Shoulders relaxed. Eyes closed. Letting the heart slow down. Letting the breath slow down. Letting the body be heavy. Letting the body be heavy. It's almost like there is a gentle pressure on the top of the head, just a gentle pressure pushing you down, grounding you in. And then it just dissipates. The pressure dissipates. But you're still firmly planted. See, sense, or imagine a beautiful orange light hovering at the top of the head. And that light slowly makes its way down, down the back of the head, hovering in the area just above the nape of the neck. Breathing into the area at the nape of the neck, just at the top of the neck. See, sense, or imagine that orange light lighting up that area in the top of the neck. And the light expands on the inside of the head. The light expands to the left, over the left hemisphere of the head and then over the right hemisphere, over the head, and then over the top of the head. So it's almost like you have a cocoon, an orange cocoon, on the inside of the head. And it's almost like the sound of the chimes are massaging this part of the head. Letting the breath slow down. Letting the heart rate slow down. If the mind is wandering, send the attention to the tip of the nose so it's almost like you're looking cross-eyed at the tip of your nose. You might be rocking a little from side to side, eyes closed. See, sense, or imagine any concerns that you might have being absorbed into that orange light. And that light travels down through the neck, down through your shoulders, down the arms, elbows, wrists, to the tips of the fingers. Down the front of the body, down the back of the body, filling the chest. Down the thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet. The entire body filled with this golden orange light. And on each inhalation, the light gets brighter and brighter and brighter. And each exhalation, it fills even more of the body. Lighter and lighter and lighter, light orange, now. Now the light is a pale orange color. Filling the tips of the fingers, the tips of the toes, every part of the body, is beautiful, pale orange. And we can see, sense, or imagine that this orange is associated with the sun. So maybe you feel a little warmth. And as this light actually begins to dissipate from the top of the head, it starts to travel down the head. So it's almost like water in a pool or water in a glass. It just gets lower and lower and lower. So where it once filled the head, now the light is dissipating. And it's taking with it all the concerns of the future and of the past. All of that's being released into the light as it travels down. So you can actually send things into that light, things that you want to release. You could send fear into the light. Guilt from the past, nervousness about the future, go ahead and release that into that light, that pale orange light. You could send people, situations, no judgment. The light travels down to the throat. You can release any harsh words, arguments, disagreements, words that were stuck in your throat or have been stuck in your throat, things you've been meaning to say. See, sense, or imagine your throat expanding and those words being absorbed into the light. The light moves down over the shoulders, over the heart, where it hovers for a bit. What is the quality of your heart? Have you been holding your breath? Have you been keeping your heart tight? Have you been hiding your heart? Have you been protecting your heart? Now would be a good time to free up that heart space and just release everything into that light. Don't forget to breathe. Letting the heart be wider and wider and lighter and lighter, just like the front. And that light travels down over the stomach, cleansing the internal organs, addressing any stress in the stomach, any strain, any shame or guilt around the stomach. See, sense, or imagine that pale, orange light bathing the internal organs in love. Releasing any concerns about what you need to do or be or how you should be showing up. Go ahead and release those things into that pale, orange light. Any situations, any images, any deadlines, go ahead and just release that for this time period. This is your time. And maybe the stomach expands as you let those things out. Now would be a good time to take a full, deep breath. And exhale it out. That light travels over the tailbone, over the hip bones, cleansing the reproductive area. Releasing any tightness there, any blocks to your creativity, any blocks to your ability to feel pleasure, any shame, any guilt, anger, rage, you can release that into the light. Any discomfort, any angry reactions or protective feelings about your organs, your gender, your non-gender conformity, other people's ideas, go ahead and release that into the light. And see if there is no spaciousness there. Take a deep breath in. Exhale out. Allow that light to travel now down to the thighs, down through the muscles, taking with it any discomfort, any tightness in the joints, any tightness in the muscles, any inflammation. See, sense, or imagine those things being absorbed gently into the pale, orange light, that you can release them and you can just say, I release the soreness of my body. See, sense, or imagine now that light taking all the things that you've been releasing down the legs, down through the ankles, down through the soles the feet, down to the very center of the earth. Down through the Earth's crust, down through the ground, down to the center of the Earth where it burns up. The sun's rays burn all of those things you no longer need. And they are nothing but ash and smoke, ash and smoke. And soon, that ash and that smoke dissipates as well. Now would be a good time to call back your energy. Now that you've released things you no longer want to carry, now would be a good time to call back your energy. Call back your laughter. And that is as simple as saying or thinking to yourself, I call back my laughter. I call back my autonomy. I call back my gratitude. I call back my imagination. I call back my power. I call back my presence. I call back my hope. Whatever it is, just call it back to you. I call back my focus. Now is the time to trust in your abilities. You do not have to compare or compete with any other. The people, places, and situations you are here to help this lifetime have been selected at a higher level, long before you got here. By following your heart, taking soul-satisfying steps on your journey, and believing in yourself enough to take risks to allow for your growth to happen, you will fulfill your destiny. You are fulfilling your destiny. You are in the right place at the right time doing the right things for the right results. You're perfect, whole, and complete. There is nothing more you need to do or be. Allowing yourself to breathe that in. Allowing yourself to come back to a presence of your body, meaning bringing your attention back to the present moment. The sensation of your hands on your thighs or by your side, the sensation of your feet being planted in the ground, the sensation of your tailbone in the chair. Now would be a good time to move slightly from side to side, gently stretching the spine. Your breath coming back to normal. Maybe on the inhalation, you lean over to the right. On the exhalation, you lean over to the left. On the inhalation, you lean over to the right. On the exhalation, you lean over to the left. On the inhalation, you come back to center. On the exhalation, you round the back a little bit. On the inhalation, you come back to center. On the exhalation, you round the back. On the inhalation, you come back to center, putting your shoulders backwards. On the exhalation, you roll the shoulders forward and round the back. On the inhalation, you roll the shoulders backwards and come back to center. On the exhalation, you roll the shoulders forward and roll your back. Breathing normally, come back to center. Turn your head to the left, seeing if you can let your chin go over the left shoulder. Deep breath in. Bring your head back to center. Exhale out, take your chin over the right shoulder. Inhale in, bring the head back to center. Exhale out, bring the head over to the left. Inhale, bring the head back to center. Exhale at center. Bringing the hands up to the middle of the chest in prayer position, bringing your chin to chest, giving yourself a vow of gratitude for all that you already have done. Understanding you are fulfilling your destiny. Thanking your heart for never leading you astray, even if you didn't recognize it. Letting the hands drop down by the side, they can either be palms up or palms down. Maybe shaking out the hands a bit, shaking the shoulders. Maybe making the ankles go around in a circle, letting the ankles go around in the opposite direction. Again, turning the ankles around in an outward circle. Bringing the ankles back in a reverse circle. Wiggling the toes, wiggling the fingers. Shaking out the feet. Wringing out the hands, eyes still closed. Taking the index finger and tapping the heart. Taking the middle finger, tapping the heart. Taking the index finger and the middle finger, tapping the top of the head. Tapping the shoulder, left shoulder. Tapping the right shoulder. Tapping the left shoulder. Tapping the right shoulder. One more time, tapping the left shoulder. Tapping the right shoulder. Tapping the left wrist. Tapping the right wrist. One more time, tapping the left wrist. Tapping the right wrist. One more time. Tapping the left wrist. Tapping the right wrist. Shaking the hands in front of you. Coming back to full awareness. Dropping the hands by the side. Maybe moving the shoulders, lowering the head, you can open your eyes. Taking a final breath in. Exhaling it out. Great job, everyone. CHARITY: Thank you, Zoe, and everyone for participating today. Zoe, do you want to take any questions? ZOE FLOWERS: Mm-hmm. CHARITY: If you questions for Zoe, you can-- ZOE FLOWERS: You're welcome, Jen. CHARITY: Put them in the chat pod. ZOE FLOWERS: You're welcome, Brett. You're welcome, Tami. CHARITY: Yep. We can put any questions in the chat. ZOE FLOWERS: And again, if you want to email me, you can email me at Oh. And I wanted to show you all this. I just happened to be at CVS the other day. And I got this. And it's not like the fancy schmaltzy aromatherapy oils. But it does the job. It's called Focus. And it's by Rare Essence Aromatherapy. Oh, I'm glad you came into the room, Rosalind. And it's been good. I bought it about two days ago. And I've been putting it on my temples. I've been putting it on my chest. So it has a lot of citrus in it, because citrus is a good pick-me-up. And so it has a blend of lemon and I don't know, I think orange. But it's really, really good. You want to take a picture? Sure, Emma. But again, I got it at CVS. I've been seeing it for a while. And some of them come in a three pack. They have some for stress, anxiety, focus. This one was singular and it's Rare Essence, Rare Essence Aromatherapy. And again, I got it at CVS. So it's been really, really good. And if any of you all want to join our free healing session for African-Americans and people of Black descent, again, you can come to my Facebook page, I Am Zoe Flowers. And you can register from there. I also put the link here. And it's this Saturday, 4 o'clock, 4:11 Eastern Standard Time. And it's free.99 CHARITY: All righty. Fantastic, Zoe. Thank you so much. ZOE FLOWERS: Sure, sure. CHARITY: As we close, once you leave the room, there'll be a brief evaluation pop-up. We'd really appreciate it if you just took some time to answer that evaluation. And you can always reach us at The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims at Thank you all. ZOE FLOWERS: Thank you. CHARITY: Thanks, Zoe. ZOE FLOWERS: Have a good week. See you next week. Bye.