Developing Culturally Responsive, Trauma Informed Services & Responses

Developing Culturally Responsive, Trauma Informed Services & Responses Part One

Through story-telling, advocates and systems will link culture, trauma, and healing. Language, food, customs, identities, spiritual beliefs, and other cultural lived realities can impact an individual’s experience of violence and trauma. Victim service providers will hear how to incorporate trauma-informed practices in engagement, support, and advocacy.


Webinar Recording


Developing Culturally Responsive, Trauma Informed Services & Responses Part Two

There is a great need to incorporate trauma-informed practices in systems that are built to provide safety, healing, and justice for survivors and victims of crime. The second part of this webinar gives advocates a glimpse on how accessing services can be affected by the intersections of trauma, bias, violence, and other identities.


Webinar Recording

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Desarrollo de Servicios Culturalmente Sensibles e Informados sobre el Trauma Primera Parte

Desarrollo de Servicios Culturalmente Sensibles e Informados sobre el Trauma Segunda Parte

Published on:
September 3, 2018
Resource Type:
Communities of Focus:
Intended Audience:
Advocates, Attorneys, Judges, Law Enforcement Officers, Other, Other First Responders