
  • Formerly incarcerated survivors learning community: Supporting each other during COVID-19

    This learning community is comprised of advocates, service providers, and directly-impacted people working at the intersection of reentry, victimization, and healing. We meet virtually every two weeks to offer and receive support and to share strategies for sustaining our programs...
  • National Strategy Sessions on Sustaining Services for Survivors with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    People with disabilities experience victimization at higher rates than people without disabilities, often rely on support people and personal care services to maintain their independence, and are also more likely to experience serious health consequences should they contract COVID-19. With this...
  • National Strategy Sessions on Sustaining Services for Survivors with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    People with disabilities experience victimization at higher rates than people without disabilities, often rely on support people and personal care services to maintain their independence, and are also more likely to experience serious health consequences should they contract COVID-19. With this...
  • Tele-Advocacy Ensuring Accessibility for Underserved Crime Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Victim service providers and other systems of care are implementing new strategies to sustain critical services for survivors of crime while physical distancing and other requirements to reduce the spread are in place in communities across the country. Tele-advocacy –...
  • Staying Centered: A Virtual Breather for People Supporting Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Are you feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety? If you answered yes, know you are not alone. People across the country are mobilizing quickly to ensure services for survivors of crime continue during the COVID-19 crisis. Confronting this new...
  • National Strategy Sessions on Sustaining Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    How do we stay connected with survivors and continue to provide support, especially to those with the fewest resources and greatest needs, while keeping our programs, staff, and communities healthy? The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims is hosting a...