• Adapting and Sustaining Services for Formerly Incarcerated Survivors During COVID-19: A Panel Discussion

    Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people are at high risk for contracting COVID-19 and often have little or no access to reliable and consistent health care services. The health risks—coupled with the challenge of practicing social distancing in jails and prisons—have...
  • Language Access: The Lessons that COVID-19 has Reinforced

    The current COVID-19 crisis is not over yet; however, in a short time we have seen how gaps in the system for language access are exacerbated by a pandemic. Did we know what to do in a crisis? Were we...
  • Adapting and Sustaining Services for Formerly Incarcerated Survivors During COVID-19: A Panel Discussion

    Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people are at high risk for contracting the coronavirus and often have little or no access to reliable and consistent health care services. The health risks—coupled with the challenge of practicing social distancing in jails and...
  • COVID-19 Impact Briefs

    The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims conducted a series of listening sessions to unearth the impact the COVID-19 health crisis is having on underserved victims of crime and better resource the crime victim services field to respond to those...
  • Formerly incarcerated survivors learning community meeting: Supporting each other during COVID-19

    This learning community is comprised of advocates, service providers, and directly-impacted people working at the intersection of reentry, victimization, and healing. We meet virtually every few weeks to offer and receive support and to share strategies for sustaining our programs in...
  • Staying Centered: A Virtual Breather for People Supporting Survivors

    Are you feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety? If you answered yes, know you are not alone. Join us for a virtual wellness session to help manage your stress, as you navigate the many challenges involved in continuing services...
  • Supporting Survivors who have Experienced Trauma Cope with COVID-19

    This unprecedented health crisis is challenging for most of us. For people who have experienced trauma it can be even more so. The isolation of the statewide Safer-at-Home orders and the unpredictability of the coronavirus can trigger flashbacks and panic...
  • Formerly incarcerated survivors learning community: Supporting each other during COVID-19

    This learning community is comprised of advocates, service providers, and directly-impacted people working at the intersection of reentry, victimization, and healing. We meet virtually every two weeks to offer and receive support and to share strategies for sustaining our programs...
  • Staying Centered: A Virtual Breather for People Supporting Survivors

    Are you feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety? If you answered yes, know you are not alone. Join us for a virtual wellness session to help manage your stress, as you navigate the many challenges involved in continuing services...
  • Tips for Helping Trauma Survivors During COVID-19

    During a public health crisis, the survivors you serve need your support even more. COVID-19 is an uncontrollable threat and is raising fear and anxiety. As advocates, you can help survivors manage these fears and help them cope with the...